70 Years of Excellence: Driving our Community into a Sustainable Future 卓越七十載:引領社區邁向可持續未來
T O W A R D S A S U S T A I N A B L E F U T U R E 邁 向 可 持 續 未 來 1 Grow diversified profit pillars 推動業務多元化 To foster the growth of NEVs in Hong Kong, Zung Fu Group recognises the crucial role of diversifying our product range. To this end, we have been collaborating with our two long-standing partners, Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai, to introduce a broader selection of all-electric vehicles. Well before the government unveiled its “Hong Kong Roadmap on Popularisation of Electric Vehicles” in 2021, we had already taken the initiative in 2018 by launching Hyundai’s first electric vehicle, the IONIQ Electric, and Mercedes-Benz’s eVito in 2022, setting a new benchmark for the industry. As a visionary, Mercedes-Benz foresaw the trend of EVs as the automotive industry’s path to sustainable development. In just five years since 2019, we have launched nearly ten different all-electric models, covering all customer segments. As a pioneer in the industry, Zung Fu is committed to providing sustainable luxury mobility solutions. This includes introducing theMercedes-MaybachEQSSUV, with interiors made from plant-based tanned leather, and batteries manufactured from resource-saving materials in a net carbon-neutral production line, aiming to achieve battery sustainability through recycling, refurbishment and reuse. At the same time, we have forged partnerships with two leading NEV brands from mainland China, Geely and BYD. By acquiring the general distributorship right for the new-generation all-electric smart, as well as the master dealership right for BYD’s luxury new-energy vehicle brand DENZA, we provide customers with an extensive and varied selection of vehicles. By spearheading the introduction of EVs in Hong Kong, we have showcased our innovative spirit and leveraged the strengths of our multi-brand, business model. This varied brand portfolio offers the community a wide spectrum of choices. In 2014, responding to new regulations on commercial vehicle emissions and the 15-year lifespan, Zung Fu Group brought in the mainland Chinese brand Foton, renowned for its cost-effective and durable commercial vehicles. In 2023, we introduced the first two EV models from the brand — eView and eAumark — paving the way for carbon-neutral commercial transport for enterprises in Hong Kong. Green Mobility: Entering the New-Energy Vehicle Era For seven decades, Zung Fu has been a stalwart presence in Hong Kong. Looking ahead, we are committed to pushing forward, focusing our efforts on a singular purpose — Driving our community into a sustainable future. As the Hong Kong’s longest-established car dealership group, we shoulder the vital responsibility of championing a green, low-carbon lifestyle. We will fulfil our pledge of “Sustainable Future 2030” by creating impactful changes by transitioning from traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) leadership to new-energy vehicle (NEV) leadership. With this goal in mind, Zung Fu Group has established three core pillars: 綠色出行 進入新能源汽車世代 仁孚屹立香港七十載,未來將繼往開來,凝聚 力量,向著同一目標進發 ― 引領社區邁向可持 續未來。作為香港歷史最悠久的汽車代理商, 仁孚集團在新能源汽車的世代中,肩負著推動 綠色低碳生活的重任。以新能源汽車逐漸取代傳 統內燃汽車,實現「可持續發展計劃 2030 」的承 諾。過去十年間,新能源汽車發展速度正以幾何 級數增長,為了推進仁孚集團在新能源汽車世代 中的領導地位,我們訂立了三大支柱: 為促進新能源汽車在香港的發展,仁孚集團深明擴展產品 種類的重要性,故早已與合作多年的兩大品牌 ― 平治汽 車和現代汽車攜手引進更多不同款式的純電動車。早在 政府於 2021 年公佈首份《香港電動車普及化路線圖》前, 我們已在 2018 年率先引入現代汽車第一部電動車 IONIQ Electric ,及於 2022 年引入平治 eVito 電動客貨車,為追 求綠色環保出行的個人及企業客戶帶來嶄新體驗。 高瞻遠矚的平治,亦早已預見電動車乃汽車業邁向可持續 發展的發展趨勢,故自 2019 年起,短短五年間,已先後 推出近十款不同的純電動車型,涵蓋不同客群所需。作為 汽車經銷行業的先驅,仁孚致力於提供可持續的豪華出行 方案,例如引入平治首度採用植物鞣皮革製作的 Mercedes-Maybach EQS SUV ,該車款同時採用來自 符合碳中和原則的生產線,以循環物料組成的電池,以回 收、修繕及循環再用,實現電池的可持續性。同時,我們 亦與內地新能源汽車龍頭企業―吉利和比亞迪合作, 分別取得新一代 smart 純電動車的總經銷權,及比亞迪旗 下豪華新能源汽車品牌 DENZA 的總代理權,務求為顧客 提供更多及更齊備的選擇。 在香港市場率先引入電動車,不僅展現了仁孚集團的創新 精神,也體現了我們多品牌和多元化商業模式的優勢。 透過多樣化的品牌組合,仁孚集團為客戶提供了多樣的 產品。為響應政府於 2014 年實施的商用車廢氣排放規 例,規定所有商用車款設有十五年退役期,因而引入具備 高性價比、可靠耐用的商用車品牌北汽福田,此品牌 亦於 2023 年率先引入旗下兩款電動商用車 eView 和 eAumark ,為香港貨運業及商用車用家一同邁進「碳中 和運輸」的重要一步。 22
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