70 Years of Excellence: Driving our Community into a Sustainable Future 卓越七十載:引領社區邁向可持續未來

In the past where ICE vehicles dominated the market, it could take a decade to build sufficient confidence and knowledge among customers in these highly safety-conscious products. Today, as NEV brands flourish and advance rapidly, we will need to work even harder to build awareness and confidence for these brands. At this juncture, we leverage Zung Fu Group’s unique advantage — the trust and relationship accumulated over years in the automotive industry — to instil confidence in consumers and provide unparalleled aftersales support. This also demonstrates the significance of enhancing Customer Lifetime Value. As we enter the realm of NEVs, many new products have only marginal advantages over each other in terms of hardware. Adapting to these changes, Zung Fu Group is committed to creating greater added value for customers. Throughout the different stages of car ownership, we strive to provide customers with rich, unique experiences. This involves proactively supporting and interacting with our customers to resolve any issues related to NEVs. Beyond maintenance and repair, we also collaborate with other brands and entities to host exclusive car owner activities and workshops, creating an enriched experience. As NEVs continue to advance and become more sophisticated, customer demands will change significantly, with a preference for convenient and trustworthy advice from professionals. From financial solutions, charging network, to bespoke in-vehicle dash cams, Zung Fu Group goes above and beyond to cater to every customer’s need. We stand out in the industry with our long-established excellence in customer service, allowing customers to place their trust in our keen market sense, comprehensive knowledge and attentive attitude. 在過去傳統內燃汽車主導的時代,消費者要對汽車這種極度講 求安全性的產品,建立足夠信心和認知,動輒得花上十年時 間;如今新能源汽車百花齊放,發展一日千里,消費者對新品 牌認知和信心仍然不足,此時,仁孚集團憑藉在汽車行業累積 多年的商譽,以及與客戶之間建立的深厚互信關係,給予消費 者售後的支援,這亦是推動客戶生命週期價值之意義。 踏進新能源汽車世代,許多新產品在硬件上的優勢只在伯仲 之間。為了迎合新世代的變遷,仁孚集團致力為客戶創造更多 價值 ― 在每個階段照顧車主的需要,盡心竭力為他們提供更 豐富而獨特的體驗,當中包括主動地幫助客戶解決新能源汽車 領域上的各種問題,並在整個旅程中為顧客提供支援和互動。 除了售後的保養和維修,還包括與其他品牌和單位的合作, 為顧客策劃各類車主活動和工作坊等,提升用戶體驗。 隨著新能源汽車產品越趨成熟,加上五花八門的新穎設計和 功能,客戶服務需求相比以往顯著不同。因此,客戶對便捷 專業的技術支援需求更殷切。由最基本的財務安排,充電配 套,以至貼身使用的行車記錄儀。我們都悉心為顧客量身訂製 解決方案,滿足各種需求,以優質且獨特的客戶服務,在業界 中突圍而出,體現了仁孚集團給予顧客的附加價值。我們更憑 藉敏銳的市場觸覺、全面的專業知識,以及細心的服務態度贏 得客戶的充分信任。 2 Drive Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) in each business 客戶生命週期價值最大化 24 T OWA R D S A S U S T A I N A B L E F U T U R E 邁 向 可 持 續 未 來