70 Years of Excellence: Driving our Community into a Sustainable Future 卓越七十載:引領社區邁向可持續未來
Mercedes-Maybach S-Class VIP Dinner Mercedes-Maybach S 系列 VIP 晚宴 Mercedes-Benz x IWC Experience Day 平治 x IWC 品牌體驗日 Unique Car Owners Events: Embodying Brand Values and Influence Over the years, Zung Fu Group has strengthened our brand influence and customer relations through diverse activities. These events go beyond product showcases, embodying the brand’s spirit and values. Our new car launches are high-profile affairs that captivate media and public attention. These events include on-site test drives, allowing customers to experience new models first-hand. Each launch reinforces the Group’s position as a premier luxury car brand in the market. Zung Fu also hosts regular car owner club activities, including morning drives, social gatherings and various specialty lifestyle workshops such as luxury watch appreciation. These events foster connections among car owners and strengthen their affinity with the Zung Fu brand. A standout initiative is the “On the Road Travel Tour”. This innovative programme allows owners to drive luxury cars along scenic routes abroad, participating in unique activities such as factory tours, gourmet dining experiences, luxury accommodation stays and professional photography sessions. These trips not only provide exceptional experiences but also demonstrate Zung Fu’s appreciation for our customers, further enhancing brand loyalty. Luxury, quality and innovation have become synonymous with Zung Fu Group. The brand’s excellence, original services and customer-centric approach have cemented its strong position in the high-end market. Looking ahead, we remain committed to creativity and excellence, promising even richer brand experiences through thoughtfully curated activities. 獨特的車主活動 體現品牌價值與影響力 仁孚集團在歷年來持續通過各類活動,提升品牌的影響 力、提高客戶體驗,並增強與客戶的互動。這些活動不 僅為展示各類型產品,更體現了品牌精神和價值。 每次的新車發佈會,均以高規格形式進行,讓新車瞬間 成為媒體和公眾的焦點。現場還設有試駕環節,讓顧 客能夠親身體驗新車的魅力;而每一次的新車發佈會, 都進一步強化集團於豪華汽車品牌的市場定位,成為 客戶在選購座駕時的不二之選。 仁孚定期舉辦各項車主活動,包括 Morning Drive 、 聯誼聚餐、名錶鑒賞工作坊等,包羅萬有的活動全方位 滿足顧客需要。這些活動在在促進車主之間的聯繫和 交流,以及增強對仁孚品牌的歸屬感。 在眾多活動中,不得不提仁孚創新舉辦的「 On The Road 車主旅行團」。讓車主們在異國駕著名車,沿著 精心策劃的行程探索風景名勝,並參與各類專屬活動, 如參觀車廠、享受特色高級餐飲體驗、入住豪華酒店和 專業攝影記錄等。通過這些活動,車主們不僅能夠享受 到高品質的旅遊體驗,還能感受到品牌對他們的重視和 關懷,進一步增強對品牌的忠誠度。 「奢華、品質和創新」已成為仁孚集團的代名詞,品牌 之優越與創新服務,及以客為尊的理念,奠定了品牌在 高端市場的強大影響力。未來,我們將繼續致力於創新 和追求卓越,通過更多精心策劃的活動,為顧客帶來更 豐富的品牌體驗。 Z U N G F U 7 0 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y 仁 孚 七 十 周 年 57
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