70 Years of Excellence: Driving our Community into a Sustainable Future 卓越七十載:引領社區邁向可持續未來

People-Oriented Culture: Zung Fu as Family Talent is the core asset of any enterprise, a principle Zung Fu Group understands well. We consistently adhere to a “people-oriented” management philosophy. For years, the company has dedicated itself to training colleagues to spearhead their global perspectives, enhancing their management skills, nurturing talent, and driving business growth. Kandy Mak, Director of People & Culture, sees Zung Fu Group as one big family. “We support and care for each other, we learn from each other, which is key to our success.” Every member at Zung Fu Group is exceptional and diverse, fulfilling their roles and embodying a strong team spirit. “When facing challenges, colleagues from different departments readily share their personal experiences to help new brands grow rapidly.” In addition to collaborating and communicating closely across departments, we also promote open and transparent communication. “We conduct an employee engagement survey annually, listening and responding to employees’ voices, and set up cross-departmental taskforce groups for follow-ups.” TheManagement Teamregularly engages with frontline colleagues to understand their needs and provide timely feedback, ensuring transparency and enhancing operational efficiency. Zung Fu Group is one big family. We support and care for each other, we learn from each other. This is key to our success. 同事之間互相成就︑互相 關懷︑互相學習,關係緊密, 這正是仁孚集團成功的關鍵︒ Kandy Mak Director of People & Culture 麥昕忻 人才及文化董事 58 B U I L D I N G L E A D E R S & T A L E N T S I N Z U N G F U 仁 孚 精 英 傑 出 領 袖